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Area 1-Dublin-Wall 1
Walking into the Dublin Area on the left we have a TV with a film of an old cowboy telling of his experience at the Dublin Rodeo and footage of a 1940’s parade, Grand Entry at the Colborn Bowl with Dublin people taking tickets at the gate. Photos are also on this wall of the Dublin Rodeo Queens. Just above the queens are big photos of Everett Colborn, Clarence Leatherwood on his horse with his grandson (President of the Dublin Rodeo) and Mary Ann Mayfield Stephen sitting on a fence advertising the Dublin Rodeo.
Area 1 Dublin Wall 1
Glass Case
I tell them the programs on the bottom are Dublin Rodeo (2 are Gene Autry Covers) and on the top are national rodeo programs such as New York, Boston, etc. with Lone Ranger, Annie Oakly, Rin Tin Tin, Roy Roger and Rex Allen on the covers. Also In the glass case is a brochure that reads 27,000 people attended the Dublin Rodeo in 1948, printing of a Dublin Rodeo Song and Dublin Rodeo stationery of a wild bronc and envelope to match, a Dublin Rodeo Seal and Dublin Rodeo souvenirs.
Area 1-Dublin-Wall 2-Section 1
Starting on left of Wall 2 are photos of Dublin Rodeo Parades